Friday, February 13, 2009

The Rain in Spain...

Hello there! I thought it was about time for another update! =) We are all alive and well here in Spain, something that we don't take for have now been driving ourselves around for two weeks, and say a prayer of thanks everytime we get somewhere safely. the drivers here are CRAZY. But God has been watching over us, and we are so excited to be two weeks in. Lara and I both agree that it seems like we've been here for way longer than two weeks, because we have done SO MUCH already. Mary and Rafael have definitely been keeping us busy. =)
This week has been very eventful. On Tuesday and Wednesday we took a group of 17 ladies from the church in Torre Vieja to La Manga, a resort area on the coast of the Mediterranean, for a women's retreat. We stayed there Tuesday night, had some great fellowship, praise and worship, and teaching. The hotel we stayed at was absolutely amazing, and all of the ladies has a great time. Lara and I loved it, because it gave us a chance to really get to know all of them. Sometimes at church you just don't get the chance to have a real we were really happy for the opportunity. I stayed with a lady named Mary, who is from England. a Lovely I'm already catching myself starting to use British words when I talk. They are contagious. When we got back from the retreat I wanted to get a picture with all of us and so I yelled to get everyone's attention and said, "I'm going to take a photo!!" They're so nice, though, and it's been such a blessing already to get to know them. Il put a couple of pictures of the weekend above so that you can see some of the faces. They're so much fun!
The other pictures that you see were taken last night at a big Valentines Day bash in Torre Vieja=). We had a potluck dinner, some music, and several amazingly fun games...that I just happened to be in charge of. If you haven't ever tried to give instructions to a group of 45 people over the age of 60, then I would suggest that you do, just so you can feel my They're worse than far as the listening goes. =) It did go very well..and we had a great time, and a lot of laughs.
Ive been enjoying running on the beach every day, a perk that I didn't really expect coming here, but it's soooo beautiful. There is a little strip of land that goes about 2 miles out into the sea called Lo Pagan, and I have been running on it a lot. I don't think anything really compares to the beauty of the ocean. it just takes my breath away, to see something that giant and endless and to think that God is so much bigger..
Thank you so much for your support and prayers. Please continue praying that God would use us in the ways that He has planned, and that we would be open to serving in every possible way that we can.
God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Mindy, I am enjoying your blog and pictures, sounds like a lot of fun work! I have heard the ocean in that area is spectacular, what an experience for you. God Bless, Desiree' Chambers
