Saturday, February 28, 2009

One Month!

Hello Everyone! Time for an update...=)
I can't believe that Lara and I have already been here for a month! It has just flown by. We have been so busy that we haven't even had time to really stop and think about how long we've been So much has happened in the past month, and it's so exciting to start to really connect with people and build new relationships. I have already learned a ton from the people here, and I respect and love many of them, after only a month. It's been so fun to see how God is working as we become more involved in the happenings at both the church in Torre Vieja, and in Murcia,

A few updates on what I'm involved in:
- I am now in charge of the worship team in Torre Vieja. I pick the music, organize the practice (The worship team is made up of Mary on the piano, one acoustic guitar, and three other singers), e-mail the notices, and lead the worship time on Sunday evenings in Torre Vieja. It's actually a very time consuming thing,which i didn't really expect, but I'm loving it.
-I am also singing in the worship band at the Spanish church in Murcia. I practice with them on Saturday mornings, sing for the sunday morning church service, and supposedly am going to be playing the piano for them in the future...should be
-I am teaching Sunday School for the kids in the Torre Vieja church. It is quite a challenge because I am having to teach it in both English and Spanish. I am basically translating for myself as I tell the Bible stories, which I've never done before, so it's been fun trying to think in two languages at the same time. It's definitely good for my Spanish. =)
- Lara and I have also become involved with a purity class for the teenage girls in the Spanish church in Murcia. We meet on Friday nights at 8 and have a time of games, and a "chat" where we talk about Biblical purity. It's been so fun getting to know the girls, and I can't wait to see where the study's fairly new. We have only been meeting for three weeks.
-On thursday mornings we have what we call our "ladies meeting" in Torre Vieja. We are going through a Beth Moore study about the life of Christ...LOVE it...and the ladies.
-On Friday and Saturday mornings we are evangelizing in two of the local outdoor markets in Torre Vieja. We had out flyers and tracts, and invite people to church. If you could pray that God would be working in people's hearts the draw them to him through this outreach it would be greatly appreciated. You never know who you're going to come into contact with, and I can't wait to see how God works! I am specifically praying that God would put us in the path of some young families, and college students. We really want to fill the church with kids before we come home =).

A couple of weeks ago, after we had gone to the market to evangelize, i was sitting thinking about my personal witness, and how I could show people their need for a Saviour. I came to the conclusion...and was very convicted in the process... that the one thing that I have that is different from anyone else in the world is my joy in Christ. It's a joy that can never be taken away, no matter the circumstances. Without that joy i wouldn't look any different than all of the other people walking in the market. I have received an amazing gift, and have a light inside of me that should shine through me no matter what kind of horrible day I've had. My prayer for myself is that my mind and heart would be so in tune with the Lord, that my joy would overflow into the lives of those around me. That will be my real witness to people.

Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. You all mean so much to me! I hope everyone doing well..I miss you all.
God bless,


  1. So good to hear from you. We're always so excited to read your updates. It really helps to know how to pray. I'm so glad you're doing well. Take care. We're lifting you up.
    Love and prayers,
    Jen and Darwin

  2. Sounds like you are getting along well. Imagine you are stretching your vocabulary in the purity class :) Am so glad things are going well and know that you will be a wonderful influence on those you meet. Pray for you every day.

    Lots of love,
