Saturday, May 9, 2009

Still here! =)

Hi Everyone! How's it going?
Well, it is 11:15am on Saturday, May 9th, and It is pouring rain outside. pouring. And my plans for the morning were canceled...we were supposed to hand out flyers and evangelize in the open air market in Torre Vieja...clearly that didn't work out this i am. and i thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to update all of you on my life here in "sunny" Ahhh..where do i start?? So much has happened within the last couple of weeks..
I wanted to thank you all SO much for your prayers for our trip to M_. It was a trip that i will never forget, and i was so privileged and blessed to get to be a part of it.(All of the pics in this post are from the trip). We had absolutely no problems at all getting across the border, and were not stopped on the highway at all by the police.(Last time Rafael went, he was stopped 6 times). God's hand was definitely with us, and we credit it all to the many people who were praying. The workers who we went to see were so grateful for the materials we brought them, and it was amazing to get to see their work, and to talk to some of the nationals. They are having a rough time. its not easy, but their faith is incredible. Talking to them convicted and challenged me to take more risks for what I believe. The trip was definitely an eye opener and a life-changer, and I won't ever forget it. Please remember to pray for the people in North Africa. There is a spiritual darkness there that is hard to explain, but you can feel it when you walk through the streets. A hopelessness, and a desire for change. Their lives are ruled by their religion and culture, but they aren't happy. Pray for the workers that are there, that they would be used to bring revival to this country.
Okay..what else? Oh, last weekend we had our "This is Spain" exhibit in Torre Vieja. We were the only church that was allowed to have a booth in the exhibit (Rafael knows that lady who directed it), so we had no 'competition'=b. We made some great contacts, and were able to personally talk to a lot of people, thanks to the fabulous idea that Mary had of putting a chocolate fountain at the back of the booth. You wouldn't believe how many people got excited about it and came in to talk to us. It was a huge success. =) Tomorrow will be the first Sunday since the exhibit, so we are really praying that God would bring people that we met there to our service. Hopefully we will see some new faces. =)
We have a lot of new arrivals coming in over the next couple of weeks. Our third intern, Dinah, comes in from Tennessee on Tuesday. She will be staying with us for the remainder of our time here. Also we have a girl named Kayla coming next Friday from the Philippines. She is only here for 3 weeks to complete hours of community service for her university. Rafael and Mary's two oldest daughters will also be arriving over the next couple of weeks and will be here all summer. My family and Kyler are coming in 11 DAYS and will be here for almost two weeks. (AHHHHH!) a 17 year old boy, Dimitri, is also coming for a few weeks from Italy to help with the summer VBS programs, and a young couple from Ireland, Alan and Sally who will be with us in June. Also Lara's mom and sister will be coming for the first week of June. As you can imagine, things are about to get pretty crazy around Like they already aren't insanely crazy. We would appreciate your prayers for traveling mercies for those who are arriving, and for our sanity as they come.
We are in the middle of preparations for VBS right now, and let me tell you, it's a LOT more complicated than you would think. Hopefully it will all come together...I'm currently working on writing the dramas. Our theme this year is a game show theme. Should be pretty cool. Oh, and I have also recently been named the "director" of the week long youth camp that we're having in July, so I'm starting to work on plans for that. When I asked Mary what the definition of "director of camp" was, she told me that its the person who people go to with problems.
And that's pretty much it for now. I hope you're all doing well!
Love and miss you,


  1. Wow! That's a lot! Sounds like you are doing wonderfully there! That is so exciting that your fam and Kyler are coming to visit! :)
    Definately will be praying for you! Hope all goes well with your planning and prep! Love you girl!

  2. Sounds like you are staying busy Mindy! Great to read the update. Hope all comes together smoothly for the VBS, etc. Keep up the good work!
